The key to importing data into GiftWorks Cloud, is having your data in the correct format.
GiftWorks Cloud can import information from a Microsoft Excel worksheet (.xls or .xlsx) file or from comma or tab delimited text (.csv or.txt) file.
The GiftWorks Cloud Importer looks for your information to be organized in rows and columns, with column headings that will help with mapping the data to the appropriate fields in GiftWorks Cloud.
- We suggest you import your constituents and your payments separately; importing your constituents first
- In your constituent data file, we ask that you include a column for Profile Type. The applicable values for this field are: Individual, Company, Household
- Individuals must have a First Name and Last Name
- Households and Companies should not have a First and Last Name
- In both your constituent and payment data files, we ask that you include a column for Display Name, and make sure there are no duplicate display names.
- Display Name for individuals is usually their first and last name
- Display Name for a company is usually the company name
- Display name for a household is usually the household name (i.e. Jones Household)
- Separate multiple values by a semi-colon: ; (ie. Column is Group, value is: Sponsor; Volunteer)
- Make sure there are no non-Email values in email columns.
- Make sure there are no non-Phone values in Phone columns
- For payments, be sure to include: Display Name, Payment Date, Payment Amount, Payment Method, and Fund
Below are sample templates for standard imports that you can download to organize your data.
Use the below descriptions to create your template of data. The Excel templates are attached.
“Donation simple”
Use this template for your donation records; Columns include Display Name, Donation Date, Payment Method, Fund, and Total Amount; you can also include the check #, Fund, Appeal, etc. to which the donation is allocated.
Note: Fund is a required field for the donation import.
“Constituent simple”
This template is for basic constituent records that have simply one name, address, email, in each row to be imported.
“Constituent with 1 phone, address, email group”
Use this template if ALL your records to be imported have a single name, address and telephone number. If any of your contacts have multiple names, addresses, emails or telephone numbers, use the “Constituent with multiple contact info” template, for example if you have seasonal addresses.
“Constituent with multiple contact info”
Use this template for constituents with multiple phone, email and addresses; this will take contacts with single lines of information as well. GiftWorks Cloud accepts 3 entries for each line of data (e.g. 3 email). More than 3 lines could be accommodated by using Custom Fields.
Fields that Can be Mapped for Import:
The attachment below (Pano DM Fields for Import) lists all fields that can be mapped to the import.
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