The details tab of the constituent profile is broken down into several sections: name formats, contact preferences, professional info, development info, membership info, and other (custom fields).
Name Formats: This is the area in which you can specify how the constituent will be addressed. Above, you can see the breakdown for an individual. In company and organization profiles, you will only have addressee options (formal and informal) and salutation options (formal and informal). If you'd like to add a contact name to a household or organization profile, the salutation and addressee areas are where you have this option.
Contact Preferences: This allow you to set the contact method that your donor prefers.
Please note that there are two other contact areas in the constituent profile: contact information and contact permissions. Here, you can upload contact information and note if the contact prefers to be contacted by post, email, and phone.
If you have personal information and professional information for the constituent, you can add it in the next two areas of the constituent profile.
Development info allows you to track the donor's status, their manager (you can assign someone within your organization as their "assigned to"), and the source (where the donor came to your organization from).
Membership info allows you to track their renewal date and the date that they have been a member since. Both of these fields will generate calendars when you click inside of them.
The Other area tracks custom fields for your organization. Every organization has their own custom fields, which can be added by clicking on Setup -> Custom Fields -> Entity Type: Constituent.
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