Nobody likes to lose their data, especially if that data is the lifeblood of your organization. That’s why it’s important to regularly attend to the health of your database by frequently backing it up, compacting it, and trimming excess records.
Key Terms
Giftworks uses Giftworks Database Files (.gds) to store all your data in a secure and organized way. It is crucial to know where your .gds file is located for your database, whether it is living on the hard drive of the computer you are using, or on a shared network drive.
When you make a backup using Giftworks’ built-in backup system, the system produces a Giftworks Backup File (.gbf). You will be able to specify where these files are saved.
Please Note:
*Giftworks Anywhere users who access the program through Citrix and Cyberlink ASP, your data is automatically backed up daily.
Creating a Backup
You can create a Backup of your database file from within GiftWorks. This is the safest way to create secure records of your data.
- Log in to Giftworks Desktop and navigate to the Settings
- Select Importing, Exporting, and Data Management.
- Select Manage your Giftworks Database.
- Select Backup.
A dialogue box will appear prompting you to select the destination for your new .gbf file. You can save it wherever is most convenient at the time. But we recommend ensuring that your .gbf files are stored safely on a different drive, a thumb drive, or on the cloud. Be sure to name the file in a way that helps you understand when the backup was created. Finally, click Backup Now to create the new gbf.
Restoring a Backup File
There are two ways to restore a. gbf backup.
If you are still within Giftworks Desktop:
- Go to Settings
- Select Importing, Exporting and Data Management
- Select Manage Your GiftWorks Database
- Select Restore the Database
If you have logged out of Giftworks Desktop:
- Open Giftworks to get to the Sign-In Screen
- Click Options to the right of the current Database
- Select Restore a backup database
- Browse to your .gbf file and select a location for the restored .gds file
Alternative Backup Method
If Giftworks is unable to create a backup through its internal system, there are alternatives. This usually happens because the database is very large, but don’t worry. First locate your .gds file. You can easily tell where the file is stored by opening Giftworks to the Sign-in screen. The filepath of the .gds file is located under the name of the database.
After navigating to your .gds file, right click on the file and select Copy. Navigate to another folder on your drive and right click and paste. This will create a literal copy of your .gds file with all your data. Rename this file and then move it to a secure location.
Compacting the Database
As you use your Giftworks Desktop database, data moves around and temporary files are created and deleted. This can lead to some gradual data wastage and dead file build up. While a natural part of data management, it is best practice to regularly clear out these useless bits of data to ensure your database is running smoothly and efficiently. Nothing important will be deleted by doing a compact, but it is best to run a Backup before you do so, just as a precaution. Luckily the Compact tool will prompt you to create a backup so you won’t forget!
- Go to Settings
- Select Importing, Exporting and Data Management
- Select Manage Your GiftWorks Database
- Select Compact the Database
You will even be able to see how much space you just saved! Regularly compacting is an excellent way to preserve your database as it grows and changes.
Permanently Deleting Records
As your database grows, you may eventually come to a point where the amount of data stored in your .gds file becomes unwieldy. The best way to help is to reduce the overall number of records stored within your database.
Whenever a record (a donor, a donation, etc.) is deleted within Giftworks, it is shifted to a special section of the database for deleted records. This acts as a safety net in case a record wasn’t supposed to be deleted. But failing to empty this ‘recycle bin’ can lead to a large buildup of unwanted extra records.
To permanently delete records:
- Go to Settings
- Select Importing, Exporting and Data Management
- Select Manage Your GiftWorks Database
- Select Delete Information from Your Records
- Select Manage Deleted Donors or Manage Deleted Donations
- Select Check All or individually check donors/donations you would like to remove
- Select Permanently Delete
Note that you can also restore deleted records from these pages as well.
Finally, be cautious. The third option, Delete Smartlist Contents, will delete the records within a Smartlist, not simply delete the SmartList parameters. Do not select this option unless you want to delete the CONTENTS of the SmartList.
There you have it!
Three keyways to keep your database happy and healthy as you power through that next charity drive. For more information or direct support, please feel free to visit our Support Center at or by calling support directly at +1 800-687-8505.
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