How to setup and use the Grant Management section In GiftWorks 2014 there are several new features, one being the Grant Management. The new Grant Management feature allows you to track Grants you hope to be awarded from start to finish. You can add a new grant and tracking the date it is due, when you hear from the grantor, and when you are awarded the money for the grant. You can rate the grant to track what grants are good and which ones are not good. You can even track why you did not get a grant if the grantor provides a reason for declining it. You can track the manager of the grant, and also the grant writer.
Below is a list of grant fields of that you can change and manage yourself in the Grant feature. Grant Funder Types Grant Statuses Grant Managers (must be a donor in GiftWorks) Grant Targets Grant Ratings Grant Types Grant Response Reasons Grants Writers (must be a donor in GiftWorks)
The first step in the grant feature is setting up a grant. You need to make sure the foundation you are asking for the grant has an Organization profile set up in GiftWorks. Under that profile you will click on the Grants tab and on the left panel or under Open Grants you can click Add a New Grant. You will first enter in the name of the Grant.
Next, enter in the information you have about the grant. For example, the type of grant, the status of the grant, and the application due date, etc.
The final dialog screen is an overview of in the information you just entered. Make sure everything is correct and then click Finish.
After you finish setting up the Grant you will be taken to an overview screen on the Grant information you have so far. On the left side panel you will see the options to Add a Task, Add a Note. Some may also see the option to Add a File (File Storage must be turned on in the Settings area).
Below is showing you a task and a note assigned just to this Grant. You can view these Tasks and Notes from the Grant section (when viewing the Grant) or from the Organizations Notes, Tasks, and Files tab. It will be named after the Grant it is for and the name of the Task or Note after that.
Under the Grants tab of the Organizations profile, in the section for Open Grants, you should see the grant you added. The status will probably show as New until you hear that the grant was approved. Once you know that it is approved you can edit the grant and enter in the information you have. *In order to add a donation the grant must be approved
To the right of the Open Grant section you will click on Options> Edit. In the edit mode you can change the status to Approved and you must enter in a Response Date to be able to save your changes. You can also fill in when you submitted the application and the expected response date (if you havent already).
Once you are ready to add a donation to the right of the Open Grant section you will click on Options > Add a Donation
Then you will enter in the amount received for the Grant and also make sure the option for Gift is a payment for a grant is checked off.
After you have received all donations related to the grant and all the information is complete, you can edit the grant and change the status to Closed-Approved, or Closed-Declined, depending on the outcome.
If the Grant was declined there is a place to select the reason why it was declined if stated. *Note: this is a brand new feature in GiftWorks 2014, however there is currently not an option to import information or run SmartUpdates for the Grant feature. If you would like to see this information added please click Contact Us in the top right corner of GiftWorks and click the link for I want to tell you how GiftWorks could be better.
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