GiftWorks can now be integrated with Constant Contact - an online email marketing service.
This integration will allow you to synchronize your lists of contacts in Constant Contact with donors in GiftWorks. Instead of having to import and export information between GiftWorks and Constant Contact, you can now keep everything up to date with a few clicks. Optionally, you can synchronize your donor address, phone and custom field information in GiftWorks with contact information in Constant Contact, to more effectively create personalized emails from Constant Contact. Whether you are currently only using GiftWorks, only using Constant Contact, using both GiftWorks and Constant Contact, or not using either, you will find the steps below helpful in getting you started.
If you currently use GiftWorks but do not use Constant Contact
The first thing you will need to do is is sign up for a Constant Contact account. Click here to get started. You can set up a 60-day free trial for 0-100 email addresses. There is also special Non Profit prepay pricing available when purchasing Constant Contact. Once you have set up both GiftWorks and Constant Contact, scroll down to the Getting Started section below.
If you currently use Constant Contact but do not use GiftWorks
The first thing you will need to do is download a 14-day free trial of GiftWorks. Click here to get started. After you have installed GiftWorks, you can sign in to the sample database or create your own database (which has no data in it). Once you have set up both GiftWorks and Constant Contact,scroll down to the Getting Started section below.
If you currently use both GiftWorks and Constant Contact
Since you are already using both GiftWorks and Constant Contact, you can scroll down to the Getting Started section below.
If you currently do not use GiftWorks and Constant Contact
Free Trials of both GiftWorks and Constant Contact are available.
To download a 14-day free trial of GiftWorks click here
To set up 60-day free trial (for 0-100 email addresses) of Constant Contact click here
There is also special Non Profit prepay pricing available when purchasing Constant Contact. Once you have set up both GiftWorks and Constant Contact,scroll down to the Getting Started section below.
Getting Started!
We recommend that you first watch the video that was created on the synchronization process. Click here to watch When seeding GiftWorks donors to Constant Contact (during the first time synchronization), new contacts will be added to the default Constant Contact list. The email address is what matches a contact in Constant Contact to a donor in GiftWorks. If you have a donor in GiftWorks who is the same person as the contact in Constant Contact but the GiftWorks donor does not have a primary email address, a new GiftWorks donor will be created. You can use the Merge feature in Settings to merge the donors together if this occurs. You can Synchronize lists and synchronize biographical information BOTH in the initial synchronization and ongoing synchronizations between GiftWorks and Constant Contact. There are 15 custom fields in Constant Contact that you can match to Donor Custom Fields (textbox or textbox dropdown) in GiftWorks. This is an option when you first synchronize (under the every time area) T
To Synchronize GiftWorks with Constant Contact, go to Settings / Tools Updates & Integration / Email Services / Constant Contact. Click on the Synchronize with Constant Contact option. Enter your Constant Contact username and password then click Next.
Choose the synchronization options for the Constant Contact lists. You may have some lists that have contacts that do not need to be in GiftWorks. Click Next.
Choose the options that best match how GiftWorks and Constant Contact should integrate. You will need to choose the options to be used every time you synchronize and the first time you synchronize. If a contact unsubscribes from all lists in Constant Contact, donors with a matching email are marked as do not email in GiftWorks ONLY if that option was selected during initial synchronization.
Click Next and review the summary screen.
If you are are happy with the choices you made, click on Connect GiftWorks and Constant Contact. If you would like to change the options you chose, click Back.
Click Finish when the synchronization is completed. Your Constant Contact lists will now show in GiftWorks as Mailing Lists.
To update Synchronization Go to Settings / Tools, Updates & Integration / Email Services / Constant Contact / Synchronize with Constant Contact . Click on the Update Now button.
This process will check to see if any information has changed in GiftWorks or Constant Contact. If it has, this process will update that information. After integrating, if a new donor is added to GiftWorks they will only be added to Constant Contact during the next Synchronization if they are in a Constant Contact mailing list in GiftWorks.
Click Finish when the synchronization is completed.
At any time, you can Update Lists, Update Custom Fields or Update Password on the synchronization screen. In some cases, you may be required to address these areas if something has changed (e.g. Custom field no longer exists on GiftWorks, Constant Contact password has been changed).
The only way to re-do or choose different options for the every time synchronization, is to remove the integration and start over. To do this click on the Click here to stop using Constant Contact at the bottom of the synchronization screen.
When you stop the integration between GiftWorks and Constant Contact, the Constant Contact lists are removed from GiftWorks.
View Email Campaigns View your Constant Contact email campaigns from within GiftWorks, to review the status of your emails such as number of sent emails, opened emails, clicks, bounces and more. Go to Settings / Tools, Updates & Integration /Email Services / Constant Contact / View Email Campaigns
Improved management of bounced emails can help in the cleanup of invalid or obsolete emails. Bounced Constant Contact emails can be deleted from GiftWorks, moved to an informational email or you can pre-pend the email name with custom text to indicate it is invalid.
View Constant Contact email history such as emails sent, emails opened, links clicked and more while displaying a donor in GiftWorks. Go to the donor and click on their Social tab. Then click View options in the Constant Contact area of that tab.
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