Let's Learn
In GiftWorks Cloud, you can add and track donations. All donations are referred to as Payments, whether they are pledge payments, cash donations, in-kind donations, or stocks and bonds. The Gifts tab gives you a summary of recently added payments and pledges, as well as options to manage and add new payments and pledges.
Getting to Know the Gifts Tab
When you click on "Manage Payments", this will produce a list of all payments on record. You can filter the payment list, and view the details for all payments listed.
To filter the list, click on the filter symbol in the upper right hand corner of the module:
From there, you will be able to filter based on the following highlighted criteria:
The same can be done for Pledges, by clicking the "Manage Pledges" button.
Adding a Payment
In GiftWorks Cloud, all donations are now recorded as payments. Payments can be for certain dollar amounts or for in-kind donations (zero-dollar items). You can add a payment from a constituent profile, or from the Gifts tab in GiftWorks Cloud.
Step 1- Identifying the Constituent You can first view a constituent profile and then click "Add Payment" on the top right of their profile. Or you can click the Gifts section of GiftWorks Cloud and select "Add Payment" on the top right of the Gifts section.
Step 2- Payment Details: Enter the amount received. If the amount received differs from the tax deductible amount, because the constituent received a benefit from their payment, check the box next to "Use a different tax deductible amount for the receipt" and enter the tax deductible amount. For the rest of the page, enter information as needed. The only required fields on this page are: amount received, date, fund, and payment method. Click "Next" to continue.
Step 3- Acknowledgement Information: On this page, you can add honor/memorial information if applicable. You will also have the opportunity to add the payment to a thank you letter or receipt list.
- To add a payment to a thank you letter list, underneath Acknowledgement Information select "Add to 'Thank You Letters' mailing list." Selecting this option will simply add this payment to the mailing list to be thanked, and once it has been added to that queue you would go to the Mailings section of GiftWorks and proceed with the mailing process to send the letter.
- To add a payment to a receipt list, click "Acknowledge Later" and then select the receipt list that you'd like to add the payment to. Once you have sent the receipt through the Mailings area, the receipt information (including receipt number and receipt date) will be automatically added to the payment.
Step 4- Saving the Payment: After reviewing the details selected within this window, you can complete this process by selecting "Save". This will then add the payment to the constituents record along with adding it to your list of payments already in the database.
Creating a Pledge
GiftWorks Cloud defines a pledge as a commitment made by a constituent to your organization to donate a specified amount on a future date or dates. A pledged gift could consist of a donation to be made on one specific date, or spread out payments scheduled over time.
Step 1- Adding a Pledge: There are two ways of which a pledge can be created. You can first view a constituent profile and then click "Add Pledge" on the top right of their profile. Or you can click the Gifts section of GiftWorks Cloud and select Add Pledge on the top right of the Gifts section.
Step 2- Entering Pledge Details: You are required to enter the date that the pledge was made and the total amount pledged. You can also indicate the number of payments that will be made on the pledge as well as the Expected Payment Type.
Step 3- Specifying Pledge Payment Schedule: If there will be more than one payment made on the pledge, you must specify a schedule for payment. Indicate when you will receive the first payment using the Start Date selection box, while also selecting the payment schedule (weekly, biweekly, monthly).
Step 4- Acknowledgement Information: Choosing "Add to Thank you Letters” mailing list will simply add this pledge to the mailing list to be thanked. Once in that queue you would go to the Mailings section of GiftWorks and proceed with the pledge mailing process to send the letter. If you choose this option, the donation can automatically be set as “Acknowledged” once the mailing has been completed. Acknowledge Later: If you choose to acknowledge later, you will be able to choose a method of acknowledgment for the pledge at a later time.
Step 5- Saving the Pledge: After reviewing the details selected within this window, you can complete this process by selecting "Save". This will then add the pledge to the constituents record along with adding it to your list of pledges already created in the database.
Adding Donations to a Receipt List
When adding a donation into GiftWorks Cloud you have the option of adding that donation to a specific Receipt list. Placing donations in a Receipt list will make it easier in the long run to distinguish which donations you would like to process receipts for. For example, if you wanted to process donations monthly or yearly, you would add those donations to monthly receipt list, or a yearly receipt list. Then when it came time to process receipts, you would make the selection of which list you want to process (Monthly or Yearly).
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