The enrollment report is used to identify all consumers who have chosen to create an enrolled user account via the merchant's payment page. To view the enrollment report click the Reporting link in the left navigation panel and choose enrollment.
Filter Criteria
The options at the top of the report represent different fields the merchant may choose to filter his/her report by. This will assist the merchant in narrowing report results to obtain the exact information he/she is looking for.
Begin Date – Used to select the first day of transactions the report will display.
End Date – Used to select the last day of transactions the report will display.
First Name – This field can be used to search for a specific consumer by first name.
Last Name – This field can be used to search for a specific consumer by last name.
City – This field can be used to search for consumers within a specific city.
State – This drop down menu can be used to search for consumers within a specific state.
Email Address – This field can be used to search for a specific consumer by email address.
Enrollment Flex Fields – These fields can be used to search for a specific consumer by the date entered in the enrollment flex fields.
Once the desired filter criteria has been chosen the merchant can click the submit button to view the results of the report.
The results of the report will be displayed with the newest record first and the oldest record last. The report will provide a total number of records at the bottom of the screen to help the merchant easily identify the number of results.
In addition to displaying the report on screen the merchant has the ability to export the results of the report to an Excel spreadsheet by simply clicking the export button in the upper left corner of the report.
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