You can easily set up payment information in the billing portal.
Add a New Default Credit Card
Step 1: Click on Edit Your Profile in the Support section on the home page.
Step 2: Click on Payment Information in the top left menu.
Step 3: Choose Credit Card Type in the Payment Method field.
Step 4: Enter your card type, credit card number (no spaces), expiry date, and the cardholder name exactly as it appears on your card.
Step 5: Check the Save My Credit Card Information checkbox to save your card for future payments then click Continue.
Make a Payment Using a Different Card
Step 1: Click on Make a Payment in the top left menu.
Step 2: Under Enter Credit Card Information, select New Card from the Cards on File drop down.
Step 3: Enter the card type, credit card number, expiry date, street and zip code. You also have the option to save this card for future payments.
Add ACH Information
Please contact us at to request for ACH to be added to your account. Please provide your phone number as we will call you to set this up.
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