Yes, FrontStream provides thorough compliance to anti-terrorism and anti-fraud regulations according to the US Treasury Department. This includes reviewing all supported organizations against domestic and international “watchlists” of organizations associated with such activities. Additionally, some of our client corporations have restrictions on donating to certain organizations. FrontStream reserves the right to deny donations and refund donors if a selected organization shows up on these watchlists or violates a client corporation’s rules.
As a fraud prevention measure, we run a background check on the bank account and the requester to ensure the validity of the account and requester before EFT information is added or updated. FrontStream reserves the right to deny EFT requests if the bank account information or requester’s identity cannot be verified, appears fraudulent, or if the organization refuses to comply with our security measures.
You or your organization are not required to complete any specific information in support of these efforts at this time, but you will be notified of any changes to this process should that be necessary.
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