Lets Learn:
Once Livestream is enabled for your campaign event the campaign event builder appears for your organization to customize. Please refer to our article on How to create a Campaign to become a PRO at using your Panorama Builder.
Step 1: Get to know your Live Studio dashboard
Click on the “Enter Live Studio” button at the top of the screen to access and customize your Livestream video.
Note: The live video that is selected to stream will not be live until the date and time it set for.
The left-side toolbar will redirect you back to the Campaign dashboard in Panorama.
- Dashboard
- Settings
- Donations
The Campaign event dashboard allows you to access the event builder or Live Studio here.
Back in the Live Studio the right-side toolbar is where you will make all customizations for how your Livestream will appear.
At the top of the toolbar, you will see 3 tabs.
- Chat
- Donations
- Setup
The chat and donations will populate once they are being received.
Step 9: The Setup Tab is where you will customize your livestream setup. The option on how you would like your fundraising goal bar to display on the livestream is available here.
The Overlay field gives options for your events fundraising goal bar placement on your Livestream video.
The following placement options to choose from are as followed:
- full bar
- compacted
- Top placement
- bottom placement.
Your organization’s logo can appear on the Livestream video, or there is the option to remove it.
The call-to-action field is located right under the logo field.
Here is where the choice to enable or disable call to action buttons appear.
Your organization can select to have the following fields appear on the Livestream page of the auction event.
- View Items
- Donate
- Suggested Donation Amount
- Display donation in feed
- Allow Comments
- Comments must be manually approved
Enabling this call-to-action button will show a Donate button in the Hero section of the Campaign. This button appears in both Desktop and Mobile views.
Suggested Donation Amount
Enter an amount and the Donate call-to-action button will show the suggested amount and will default to that amount when the donor selects the button. You must click Apply for the change to take effect.
For instance, if the Suggested Donation Amount is set to $500, the call-to-action button will say “Donate $500”. The donor does have the ability to change the donation amount before completing the donation.
Display donation in feed
Enable this option if you’d like a Donation tab to show in the Activity Feed so donors can see donations as they come in.
Allow Comments
Enable this option if you’d like a Comments tab to show in the Activity Feed so donors can see comments and add their own.
Comments must be manually approved
Enable this option if you’d like to approve Comments before they show to donors. Comments are reviewed and approved from Live Studio in the Chat tab on the right side of Live Studio.
Once the Livestream portion of your event has been customized it’s ready to go live!
Happy fundraising!
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