Messages are useful to communicate important notices or information to your users. Messages appear on the home page in the Messages section and also are accessible in the upper right corner of Donor Management by clicking the envelope icon.
Any messages you have created will appear in the Published Messages section or the Draft Messages section.
For both published and draft messages, you can click on a message to see the details on the right. When viewing the message details, you can click the edit icon to modify the message details. If you are viewing a published message, you can click the hide icon to move this message into the list of draft messages. If you are viewing draft messages, you can click the show icon to immediately publish this message. You can click the delete icon to permanently remove this message.
You can click the left or right arrow buttons to quickly move through each message to view details for each.
Note: Keep in mind that a message will only be visible if it is published and falls within the start and end date range. If you do not see your message after publishing it, check to make sure your message is published and review your start and end dates.
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