You can view the constituents you have created in the Donor Management tool. Clicking anywhere on the row of constituent information will help you navigate and view the constituent details.
The constituent information can be sorted by clicking the column names at the top of the list. Clicking the column name once will sort the information from A > Z (or numerically ascending) and clicking the column name again will reverse the order.
The Affiliate dropdown allows you to choose what constituents are included in the results. You can choose to view non-affiliate constituents only, affiliates only, or all constituents. The affiliate flag is usually used to indicate whether or not a constituent should be part of your normal solicitation process. Organizations will often use the affiliate designation to identify vendors, general contacts, and other constituents that they don’t wish to be part of your normal solicitation targets.
The Search button can be used to find specific constituents. Any search text you enter will be used to search the name fields (first, last, display name) of the constituent. The Advanced Search link can be used to perform more detailed searches for constituents.
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