All the details of this pledge can be viewed on this page. This includes pledge information, payment schedule, acknowledgement and tribute details.
To edit any of the information related to this pledge, click on the field you want to change. To delete the pledge, click the Delete Pledge button in the upper right corner. Note: A deleted pledge can not be recovered. Delete with caution.
The Pledge Overview section includes the date the pledge was made and also the total amount of the pledge. You can also select the event at which this pledge was made.
The Pledge Information section includes relevant fields related to the “marketing” data of the pledge. This includes fields like:
- Campaign - what strategic effort was responsible for this pledge?
- Appeal - what tactical effort was responsible for this pledge?
- Designation - where should this pledge be directed?
- Solicitor - who was responsible for prompting this pledge?
- Fund - what monetary fund should this pledge be included?
The anonymous checkbox can also be used to indicate to those within your organization that the donor does not wish their identity to be known.
The Payments section includes all the payments that make up the schedule for this pledge. Click the Add Payment button to create a new payment scheduled for this pledge. This will increase the total amount of the pledge. You can also modify existing payments for a pledge by clicking the button to the right of the pledge payment where you can apply a payment, edit the scheduled payment, or delete a scheduled payment. Keep in mind that when changing the payment schedule or amounts, the total amount of the pledge or other pledge payments may be increased, decreased, etc. to accommodate the schedule change.
The Soft Credit section is where you can view, add, or delete soft-credit information. A soft-credit is used to give “non-legal” or “non-receiptable” credit to another constituent for a pledge. For instance, if a donor gives through a directed fund, the directed fund would be issued the receipt, but the donor would receive a soft-credit for the gift. You can click the Add Soft Credit link to add a soft-credit to another constituent. Click the View Details link next to the soft-credit to edit the soft-credit information. When viewing the details, click the Delete button to delete this soft-credit.
The Acknowledgement section contains the information related to how the pledge was or will be acknowledged. If you’ve already acknowledged the pledge, the choose “Enter acknowledgement information” and provide the date and the method the pledge was acknowledged. If you plan on acknowledging the pledge at a later time, choose “Acknowledge later” and if you want GiftWorks to handle the acknowledgment process through the mailing process, choose “Add to ‘Thank You Letters’ mailing list”.
If a receipt should be sent, check the Send Receipt checkbox. Most pledges should be receipted in a timely fashion.
You can also indicate if the pledge was given in honor or memory of someone or something in the Tribute Information section.
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