Let's Learn
If you're a current Constant Contact client, you can sync your account with our Email tool. This will allow you to transfer email lists and email templates from the Promotion tab into your Constant Contact account.
How to Connect with Constant Contact
Go to Promotion > Constant Contact and log in with your Constant Contact username and password.
To send an email message from BiddingForGood over to your Constant Contact account:
Step 1: Create your message under Promotion > Create Email.
Step 2: Once it's saved, go to Promotion > Constant Contact.
Step 3: In the Sync Email Templates section, highlight the message you'd like to use, then click Sync Templates.
Step 4: Find the email message in Constant Contact under Drafts > My Email
To send your email lists from BiddingForGood to your Constant Contact Account
Step 1: Go to Promotion > Constant Contact
Step 2: Select the list or lists you wish to transfer to Constant Contact and click Sync Email List.
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