GiftWorks provides limited support for copying and pasting directly from Word into the GiftWorks Letter Editor. We recommend importing your Microsoft Word letters into GiftWorks. First, save your word letters into .rtf format. Saving your documents in Word using .rtf formatting will maintain images, logos and other altered text formatting. In addition, when you email a template through GiftWorks, the .rtf formatting means that email addresses and web links will be 'live' within those emails Next, create a new template in GiftWorks. Click on the Mailings section, then Manage Letter Library in the Related Actions menu. Next, click Add and select the type of letter template you'd like to add. Name the letter template Then, click the Open icon and then browse to, and open the .rtf file you just saved. GiftWorks will ask if you want to save the changes to your template first - click No. Your template should be opened into GiftWorks. You will need to edit the letter to insert GiftWorks fields into using the Insert Field dropdown list. Click Save at the bottom to save your template.
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