Before the donor site can be previewed, several items need to be completed. Once set up, the donor site can be previewed from any donor’s perspective, using the Impersonate Donor feature. Complete the following items to preview a campaign:
- Create a campaign.
- Set up at least one website and activate it.
- Set up at least one donor group, activate it, and associate it to the campaign in Campaign Settings. Note that the Default Donor Group can be changed at any time.
- Add at least one donor. Note that this can be a demo donor.
- Activate campaign from the Campaign List.
Important: Make sure the donor and the campaign is in Demo Mode before submitting a pledge.
Once these items are completed, take the following steps to preview the donor site:
- Expand the Campaigns level in the navigation tree.
- Search for and expand the campaign.
- Select the Donors node and the Donor List will be displayed.
- Search for the donor in the Donor List.
- Click the impersonate icon (blue user with green arrow), located on the far right of the donor name in the Donor List.
- You will be automatically logged in as the donor to preview the site. Each company is giving an allotted number of demo transactions. Please contact your administrator for more information.
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