Our software presently runs on the UTC timezone. This is 4 hours later than the Eastern timezone. Below is a list of common times for the equivalent timezone that you are in. Use the value to the right of the equation in OPPS' scheduled emails or scheduled exports/reports.
6am Eastern = 10:00 (or 10:00am)
7am Eastern = 11:00 (or 11:00am)
8am Eastern = 12:00 (or 12:00pm)
9am Eastern = 13:00 (or 1:00pm)
10am Eastern = 14:00 (or 2:00pm)
11am Eastern = 15:00 (or 3:00pm)
Noon Eastern = 16:00 (or 4:00pm)
1pm Eastern = 17:00 (or 5:00pm)
2pm Eastern = 18:00 (or 6:00pm)
3pm Eastern = 19:00 (or 7:00pm)
6am Central = 11:00 (or 11:00am)
7am Central = 12:00 (or 12:00pm)
8am Central = 13:00 (or 1:00pm)
9am Central = 14:00 (or 2:00pm)
10am Central = 15:00 (or 3:00pm)
11am Central = 16:00 (or 4:00pm)
Noon Central = 17:00 (or 5:00pm)
1pm Central = 18:00 (or 6:00pm)
2pm Central = 19:00 (or 7:00pm)
3pm Central = 20:00 (or 8:00pm)
6am Mountain = 12:00 (or 12:00pm)
7am Mountain = 13:00 (or 1:00pm)
8am Mountain = 14:00 (or 2:00pm)
9am Mountain = 15:00 (or 3:00pm)
10am Mountain = 16:00 (or 4:00pm)
11am Mountain = 17:00 (or 5:00pm)
Noon Mountain = 18:00 (or 6:00pm)
1pm Mountain = 19:00 (or 7:00pm)
2pm Mountain = 20:00 (or 8:00pm)
3pm Mountain = 21:00 (or 9:00pm)
6am Pacific = 13:00 (or 1:00pm)
7am Pacific = 14:00 (or 2:00pm)
8am Pacific = 15:00 (or 3:00pm)
9am Pacific = 16:00 (or 4:00pm)
10am Pacific = 17:00 (or 5:00pm)
11am Pacific = 18:00 (or 6:00pm)
Noon Pacific = 19:00 (or 7:00pm)
1pm Pacific = 20:00 (or 8:00pm)
2pm Pacific = 21:00 (or 9:00pm)
3pm Pacific = 22:00 (or 10:00pm)
**Don’t forget that admins often run emails/reports on the hour, so to prevent a known delay, please consider running yours at 5-10-15 minutes earlier or later. Also, consider sending launch emails at 3am-4am-5am, so that they are in your client’s email box when they get to work in the morning.
(August 2016 and prior, the software had ran on the Central timezone.)
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