Let's Learn
What is the Difference between a Donor and a Sponsor?
Any person or organization that donates to your auction is a Donor. Donors can be featured on the item page they donated. From there, if they “sponsored” your auction further with a cash or in-kind donation you can elevate them to be a Sponsor.
Sponsors can be featured globally on your online auction, meaning their logo will appear at the bottom of every page (home page, item pages, etc). You can have unlimited global sponsors divided into up to 4 tiers.
Important Information!
- Only Sponsors need a Sponsorship Value.
- Donors will automatically carry over from auction to auction. However, any Sponsorships do need to be re-entered.
How to Add a Donor
- Go to Donors > Add Donor/Sponsor
- Under Basic Information enter the Donor Name and optionally enter a Donor Website Address, upload a Donor Logo, and choose to Display the Donor's Name with the Logo.
- Scroll down to the Contact Information section and enter the contact information for your donor.
- Click the Create New Donor button to continue
- The Donor Confirmation page will appear, giving you the chance to review your entry. Click the Edit Donor Details button to make further changes to the new listing, Create Another Donor to add an additional new donor, or select Done if you are finished.
To give your donor recognition for the item they donated, you can assign a donor to an existing auction item. To associate a donor with an existing item:
- Click Items > Published Items or Draft Items
- Click on the Donors link next to the desired item
- Type the donor's name in the Search Donors field and select their name from the menu that appears
- Click Add to list
- Once you've added a donor, you can also enter a brief description of their donation in the Donation Description field and the value of their donation in the Value field (if it's different from what's already been entered for the item or package). This information will appear in the Item Donor report and also be included in the Donor Thank You letters/emails.
- Once you've added a donor, you can also enter a brief description of their donation in the Donation Description field and the value of their donation in the Value field (if it's different from what's already been entered for the item or package). This information will appear in the Item Donor report and also be included in the Donor Thank You letters/emails.
- If you have more donors, repeat steps 3-5. You can list an unlimited number of donors
- If there are multiple donors for this auction item, you can rearrange the order of appearance by dragging and dropping the donors in the order you'd like them to appear
- Click Save Changes to save your work
How to Add a Sponsor
- Go to Donors > Add Donor/Sponsor
- Under Basic Information enter the Sponsor's information under Donor Name and optionally enter a Donor Website Address, upload a Donor Logo (120x120 pixels or 1MB), and choose to Display the Donor's Name with the Logo. Entering the sponsor's web address will automatically make their name or image (if they have one) a clickable link from your homepage to their website.
- Scroll down to Sponsorship Information and enter the Sponsorship Value and Contribution Type. This information will not be displayed publicly.
- Select Create New Donor to save your work.
- To activate the Global Sponsorship Center and acknowledge your sponsors at the bottom of all auctions pages select Donors>Sponsorship Center.
- Search for your sponsor using the Search Sponsors field and choose your sponsor from the list
- Choose their sponsorship level using the Select Sponsorship Level drop-down menu
- Select Add Sponsor
- Select Update Sponsorships at the bottom of the page to save your work.
Please note that you can update the Sponsorship Level names by clicking right in the box. Be sure to select Update Sponsorships after making any changes.
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