You may want to change the name of the batch, change the event that the batch is associated with, correct the control amounts, or select different options for the batch. Only supervisory personnel are authorized to change batches.
Step 1 Click the Data Entry tab
Click Batch Management and select the batch ID you wish to edit.
Note- you must go through this process by choosing batch management. If you choose the batch on the Select Batch page you will not be able to edit the batch settings
Step 2 Make your changes
If applicable:
- Beside Batch Name, type a different name for this batch
- Beside Event / Campaign, click the arrow and change the event that the pledges are for
- Beside Control Amount – Cash / Cheque, change the total amount of all of the pledges paid by cash or cheque
- Beside Control Amount – Credit Card, change the total amount of all of the pledges paid by credit card
- Beside Batch Entry Totals must match Control Amounts before Tax Receipting & Batch Posting, select the checkbox if you want to enable a tax receipt restriction. This restriction prevents the system from issuing tax receipts unless the data entry person’s batch totals for credit cards and for cash/cheques match the control amounts that you entered
- Beside Enable Tax Receipting of Batch Entries, select the checkbox if you want the system to automatically issue tax receipts for donors with an email address. (If selected, tax receipts will automatically be emailed when you post the batch.)
Click Update Batch
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