Before you add any offline donations you need to first create a batch. Once the batch is set up for your event, you can enter offline donations.
Note: Once the batch is created you will need to go back into the batch to add donations and/or registrations
Below you will find step-by-step instruction on how to create a batch of pledges within the Data Entry tab. This tab is used for entering offline donations into Event/Campaign.
Tip: The batch posting process requires that tax receipt emails are enabled.
Step 1 Click the Data Entry tab.
Note: The first time you use Data Entry, no batches will be listed. Once you create a batch, it will be displayed in the list.
Click Batch Management
Step 2 Click Setup New Data Entry Batch
Step 3 Setup your Batch
General Settings
- Enter a Batch Name, that will uniquely identify this batch of pledges (for example a date range).
- Select the Data Entry Form (this will be greyed out if you only have one)
- Select the Event/Campaign you would like to create the batch for (this will be greeyd out if you only have one)
- Select a Data Entry Type using the dropdown menu, depending on what type of information you’re entering into the batch. "Participants/Sponsors" type is used for entering registrants and solicited/general donations. You may also select "Direct Team Sponsors" for entering direct team donations or select "Team Members" for entering team members and their pledges.
- To send Thank you emails for offline entered donors be sure to select "Send Donation thank you emails to offline entered donors" Below is a list of the emails that can be sent out when you turn this on
Thank You - Solicited Donation (Thanks for your donation, solicited)
Thank You - Unsolicited Donation (Thanks for your donation, unsolicited)Team Member:
Thank You - Team Donation (Thanks for your donation, Team)Administrator:
New Sponsor Notification (You have a new sponsor)
New Team Sponsor (You have a new team sponsor)Notes:
- You will need to enable the Emails on the event for the system to send the emails.
- The emails will send when the record is created in the Data Entry Batch. You do not need to Post the Batch First.
Batch Settings
- Optional In Control Amount – Cash/Cheque, type the total amount of all the pledges paid by cash or cheque (if you know this)
- Optional In Control Amount – Credit Card, type the total amount of all the pledges paid by credit card (if you know this)
- Beside Batch Entry Totals must match Control Amounts before Tax Receipting & Batch Posting, select the checkbox if you want to enable a tax receipt restriction. This restriction prevents the system from issuing tax receipts unless the data entry person’s batch totals for credit cards and for cash/cheques match the control amounts that you entered in steps 7 and 9. If checked, the batch cannot be posted unless both controls are met.
- Beside Enable Tax Receipting of Batch Entries, select the checkbox if you want the system to automatically issue tax receipts for donors with an email address. (If selected, tax receipts will automatically be emailed when you post the batch.)
Finally click Add Batch
Note: Once the batch is created you will need to go back into the batch to add donations and/or registrations - see the corresponding articles for the type of transactions you want to add to this batch
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