Let's Learn
- Adding a Logo
- Adding a Mission Statement
- Managing Old FirstGiving Pages
- Adding and Managing Email Layouts
You can now manage your Organization’s profile in Panorama including adding a logo, mission statement, and email layouts by clicking on the Profile option under Account drop-down menu in the common navigation bar.
Adding a Logo
Once you reach the Profile page, to add a logo click on the Add logo button to upload a logo from your files.
Adding a Mission Statement
To add a mission statement to your Organization’s profile page, click in the Mission statement box and type in or copy and paste your Organization’s mission statement. You must click on the blue Save button under the Text box to save your changes.
Your mission statement will display publicly on your Auction's Contact Us page.
Managing Old FirstGiving Pages
If you have any older Peer-to-Peer pages created on FirstGiving you will manage them from your profile page.
Step 1: Any of your active FirstGiving Pages will be listed under your mission statement. You can select which FirstGiving Page you would like to manage.
Step 2: To manage your page select either Edit or View live
If you select Edit you will be taken to the FirstGiving home page where you can manage your page by selecting from Profile, Reports, Emails, Widgets, and Settings.
If you click on View live you will be taken to a live view of your FirstGiving page.
Adding and Managing Email Layouts
You can set the header and the footer in the email layout and later apply the layout to future emails.
Step 1: To add a new email layout start by clicking on the Add New Layout button.
Step 2: Once you enter the layout, you will be able to add a layout name by clicking in the Layout name box and typing in the name you choose.
You can also add text or an image to the header or footer by clicking into each one and using the text, and image tools to add desired content. When adding an image click on the image icon, then click on browse server to upload an image or a logo from your computer.
Once you have added all images and text to your Layout and saved the changes, the layout will be added to the Profile page.
For additional information on how to create and manage Email Layouts in Panorama please click here.
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