Please note: In order to confirm Ticket Orders, you must confirm your payment processor and billing information. These steps are at the bottom.
Written instructions are below.
A: How to confirm your Payment Processing Method and Billing Information:
Go to Close Out > Get Ready > Confirm Payment Processor: In this section you'll need to confirm your billing information and your payment processing method. Once you complete this step, you'll be able to access other sections under the Close Out tab.
B: You can find a list of ticket orders under Close Out > Close Your Auction > Ticket Orders.
1.) To confirm the order, click on the Confirm link next to the ticket purchaser's name. This will move the purchase to Process Payments and can then be processed.
In this section, you can adjust the number of tickets purchased by a guest, as well as their form of payment.
- To adjust a quantity, find the guest's name and then either increase or decrease the number in the quantity field.
- To remove a ticket order entirely, click on the Payment & Comments link and click on the blue Remove Ticket Order button.
2.) When you click Confirm, the Ticket Purchasers card is NOT CHARGED - the ticket order is sent to the Process Payments page.
3.) This is found under Close Out > Close Your Auction > Process Payments.
There, the ticket order is under the Bidder's name and waits to be processed along with any other items or purchases for that bidder. Or, if you prefer, you can process just the ticket order right away.
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