Let's Learn
- Why Doesn’t My Banner Stretch Across my Entire Homepage?
- My Image won't Upload but it's a JPG
- My Image is Sideways after it's uploaded
- After my Image is Uploaded, the Image Has a Line Running Through It
- Additional Tips
Below is a list of some issues that can come up with images and how to fix them! In most cases, image issues can be fixed with an image editing program. There are many image editing programs and websites available, some of which are free.
Why Doesn’t My Banner Stretch Across my Entire Homepage?
The banner dimensions are 980 pixels (width) by 100 pixels (height). When using an image this size, the banner will stretch from the content boxes on the left, containing the auction categories, smart categories, etc., to where it says "Help" on the right side.
The banner will not stretch all the way across your entire browser window.
The Image won’t Upload but it’s a JPG
In many cases, this is because the image’s color mode was set to CMYK, which is intended for print use. To upload, it will need to be set to RGB, which is for web use. If you’re using Irfanview, this can easily be fixed by saving a new copy of the image and uploading the new file.
My Image is Sideways after it's uploaded
This happens with pictures taken with mobile devices and has to do with a setting on the phone. There isn’t a way to edit or rotate images once they’re uploaded, so you will need to fix this by opening the original image file. In most cases, this can be fixed by saving a new copy of the image in a different file format, then uploading it.
For example, if the item is Jpeg or jpg, convert the image to png and try uploading. This should resolve the rotation issue. You can also use a tool like the snipping tool to recapture the image entirely.
After my Image is Uploaded, the Image Has a Line Running Through It
This happens in many cases where the image file is larger than 1MB. The recommended file size for images is smaller than 1MB. To correct this, open the original image, reduce the dimensions and/or lower the resolution (to less than 72 dpi).
Additional Tips
- The accepted formats for images are jpg, gif, and png. Other formats, such as docx, pdf, or bmp, will not work.
- Keep the file name simple. We recommend using just letters and not including any spaces or characters (for example bluehandbag.jpg instead of blue handbag (1).jpg).
- Our system won’t accept file names with extra characters such as [, }, @, #, etc.
- For more image requirements, please see the following article: What are the image size and format requirements?
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