Let's Learn
Coupon codes can be added to your Artez Peer to Peer Events to discount registration fees.
Some tips before adding a coupon code to your event:
- Your event must have at least one registrant type with a registration fee associated with it.
- Coupon codes will only work for individual and group registration fees and cannot be assigned to package registrations.
- You can use a coupon code to bypass the registration fee during registration page testing
- Never over-write or change the amount of a coupon code, create a new coupon code instead for accurate reporting.
How to Add Coupon Codes
Step 1: Choose the event you wish to work with
Step 2: Select Payment Types
Step 3: Scroll down and select Coupon Codes
Step 4: Select Add
Step 5: Fill out the required fields:
- Coupon Code: Enter a short word or phrase
- Coupon Value: The amount of your registration fee or the value that you want to discount the registration fee by.
- Coupon Quantity: The number of coupons available.
- Expiration Date: The date the coupon code should no longer work.
- Enabled: Check this box to make this coupon available for use
- Registration Types: Choose the registration type or types the coupon can be used for. As pictured the default registration. (Examples: Adult, Child).
*Make sure to put a blue check mark beside the registration the organization is using.
Step 6: Select Submit to save/update your changes.
Participant Experience
Once you have added a coupon code, the participant will see a coupon code box during registration in the Peer-to-Peer: White Label Customizable HTML event.
When they are prompted for payment the value of the coupon code will be subtracted on the Payment Information screen.
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