Lets Learn:
To create an auction using the Livestream feature, use this article as a step by step reference tool.
Step1: Select the Create Project button.
Step 2: Select which project type you would like to create. Select the Create Auction button.
Step 3: Enter the Auction Name that you want your Auction to be called.
- This name is seen by anyone (public and internal) who is accessing your auction and will also be seen in the top left-hand corner of auction manager when working within it.
- You can change your auction name at a later date if you wish.
Step 4: Set your online auction dates.
- You can always change this later if needed.
- You can change your online auction dates provided the end date has not passed. If the online auction end date has passed, the auction dates cannot be changed.
Step 5: Choose your time zone.
- Make sure this is correct.
- Look at the list completely before making your selection. You can change this later if needed.
Step 6: Decide if you want to have your auction be part of the BiddingForGood Bidder Community.
- Click the learn more link for more information.
- For the most part, you would want this checked as it makes your auction public and available on BFG main website. If this is not checked, your auction is only available to people with the direct link to your auction.
Step 7: If you are having a Live Event / Gala check the box next to Yes, I am having a live event and enter the date and time of your live event. These details can be edited under Event > Live Event dates once you have created your auction.
- If this Live Event box is not checked, you will not be able to Add a Live Event yourself later and must submit a request with our support team to get the Live Event added. Please include the dates, times, and Organization information in your request.
Step 8: If your event wants to stream a LIVE video during an auction event check the box next to Livestream Event to enable this feature. When enabling Livestream, a start and end date will need to be established, or simply enable the multi-day Livestream option.
Step 9: If you would like to copy over features from one of your past auctions, use the pull-down menu under Copy over features from auction: to select the auction from which to copy the past features.
Step 10: If you would like to copy over all Closed – Not Sold items from one of your past auctions, use the pull-down menu under Copy over all Closed - Not Sold items from auction: to select the auction from which to copy Closed – Not Sold items.
- These items will appear in your new auction under Items> Draft Items for further editing.
Step 11: At the bottom of the page, select Continue
The Auction Manager Dashboard appears. The Event Dashboard is a great way to quickly view key details regarding your auction event. This article will walk you through what information you can find on the Event Dashboard. .
Step 12: Create an Auction Homepage by going to event tab>homepages>create a homepage.
Once you’ve created your homepage, make it live by selecting Activate and choosing Now. It will say YES under Active Page when your homepage is live. You can select the View Your Auction button to see what your page looks like to bidders.
Next, you’ll select the Enter Live Studio button to customize your livestream settings.
Step 13: Click on the Enter Live Studio button to customize your Livestream content. When accessing the Live Studio, you will be prompted to choose where you will be streaming your Live Video from. You can skip this step or customize it right away.
The 3 third-party streaming vendors associated with Live Studio are
- Twitch
- YouTube
Step 14: Plug in the URL of the Livestream video you are choosing to host during your auction event.
Once a video URL is plugged in the video information will appear and you can click save & finish
Step 15: Then Live Studio appears where you can customize other parts of your livestream.
Note: The live video that is selected to stream will not be live until the date and time it set for. If you need to change the video URL, select Replace under the livestream thumbnail image.
The left-side toolbar will redirect you back to the auction manager dashboard.
- Dashboard
- Settings
- Donations
- Award Items
- Manage Items
The right-side toolbar is where you will make all customizations for how your Livestream will appear.
At the top of the toolbar, you will see 5 tabs.
- Items
- Bids
- Donations
- Chat
- Setup
The other 4 tabs will populate when items are published, bids are being placed and donations are being received. The Chat option will function during the Livestream.
The setup tab is where you will customize your livestream setup. The option on how you would like your fundraising goal bar to display on the livestream is available here.
With the options for a full bar, compacted, Top placement or bottom placement.
Your organization’s logo can appear on the Livestream video, or there is the option to remove it.
The call-to-action option is setup right under the Overlay field.
Here is where the choice to enable or disable call to action buttons appear.
Your organization can select to have the following fields appear on the Livestream page of the auction event.
- View Items
- Donate
- Suggested Donation Amount
- Display donation in feed
- Display bids in feed
- Allow Comments
- Comments must be manually approved
Once Livestream has been customized it’s ready to go live with your auction event!
A Livestream auction appears like this once it is live:
PRO TIP: customizing your auction homepage is key to really catching the bidder and donors eye!
The module on the right side will slide down your auction event page as the bidder scrolls through. Making it easy and accessible for bidders to donate or bid on items.
Anyone accessing the auction event can see all bids, donations, and comments on the moving module.
Pretty cool, right?
Happy fundraising!
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