Let's Learn
How To Create a Homepage
- Go to Event > Web Site > Homepages
- In the Create a New Homepage section select a Modern or Classic style Homepage
- Use the next drop-down menu to select one of the following templates (they are all the same, but have different suggested wording):
- Blank
- Coming Soon
- Auction Open
- Auction Closed
- Click on the Create a Homepage button
- Enter information into each of the fields on the template that you want to appear on your auction homepage. Fields that are left blank will not be shown
- Click the Save Homepage button at the bottom of the page to save your work
How To Activate a Homepage
- Click on the Event > Web Site > Homepages
- Scroll down to Show Homepages for Current Auction and click Activate next to the desired page
- You can activate Now or schedule a date/time for it to activate automatically
- If you created an Auction Coming Soon homepage and a Auction Open homepage, and your Auction Coming Soon homepage is activated, you can schedule your Auction Open homepage to activate on the date and time that your auction is set to open for bidding.
Important Information! Activating the Homepage Does Not Start Your Auction. When activated, the Auction Homepage is now visible to those that you send your Auction URL to. Your Auction URLs can be found on your Auction Manager Event Dashboard in addition to under Event > Set Up > Switch active Event. Anyone with the direct link can now view your Homepage. However, keep in mind your Homepage is not searchable on the BiddingForGood Main Website until the Auction is live according to the Online Bidding Dates.
As long as the Homepage is Activated, you can view it at any time within Auction Manager by choosing the View Your Auction Button.
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