Go to Event > Live Event > Guests
This section shows all ticket purchases and their guest information including Guest Name, Table Group, Meal Choice, Type (table sponsor, table captain, or VIP), and if they're a registered bidder.
To add a guest manually, click on the Add Guest button. This allows you to create guests without a ticket purchase. Please note: this does not register them for online/mobile bidding.
Guests are the names/placeholders of people who are attending your live event. The list of guests is collected via ticket sales and manual entry. In this article, we will go over how Guest information is:
1. Collected
2. Updated
3. Used for an event.
- How Guest Information is Collected
Ticket Sales
When a bidder purchases a ticket they are designating themselves and their guests as Attendees to the event and will show in the Guests section. If that ticket purchaser buys more than one ticket, they have the option of entering their guest's name, email address, and meal choice (if applicable). Those names will also appear as Guests at the event and in the Table Group for the ticket purchaser.
If the ticket purchaser did not enter any information for their guests, then the Attendee slots are still added but just as placeholders for guests of the ticket purchaser. So if a ticket purchaser bought 4 tickets but did not enter any information for their guests it would list their name, “Guest 1”, “Guest 2”, and “Guest 3”.
Editing Note - The information for these guests of ticket purchasers cannot be changed or edited by the original ticket purchaser, but can be updated by an Auction Manager Team Member. This will ONLY change the information in the Guests section accessible to the Team Members. It will NOT change the information in the bidder’s Bidder Account. The bidder must update that information by logging into their account.
Adding Guest Via template import:
You can Import Guests with this Excel template attendees.csv by going to Event > Live event > Import Guests.
Adding Guests Manually:
Guests can also be added manually, not requiring a ticket purchase. Simply click the Add Guest button on the Guest page, complete the form for the guest, and click Save Guest.
NOTE: This does NOT register the guest as a Bidder, but only adds them as a Guest Remember, each Bidder must register themselves and add a credit card on your Auction Homepage. If you add their email address to their Guest information, it can match up with the email address they use when they register themselves as a Bidder.
- How Guest Information is Edited/Updated
Name, Email Address, Type, and Status
After the Guest is added, Auction Manager Team Members can edit/add information to an Attendee. By clicking Edit next to the Guest the name, email address, meal choice, type, and status can be changed. (See the Add Guest image above).
Table Group
The Table Group for a Guest can be changed by clicking on the Table Group Name that the Guest is currently in. Start typing the name of the Table Group the Guest should be in. If the Table Group already exists then it will pop up as an option to select. If not, complete typing in the name of the new Table Group, and it will be added to this Guest and will be available to select for any future Guests.
This field refers to whether or not we know if the Guest is a Registered Bidder for the online auction. In order for this to say YES, the email added for the Guest must match the email of a Registered Bidder in the auction. If you are provided with a Guest’s email you can add it to them by editing the guest.
If the email address added matches a bidder’s email address that has registered for the auction, this column will say yes.
One way to update your Guests is to check your Registered Users report (under the Reports tab) and see if you can manually match any of the first and last names. If you find a match and you believe they are the same person, you can copy the email address for that bidder on the Registered Users report into that Guest's information.
- How to Use the Guest Report
Export the CSV
This will export an Excel Document with all the information we know about all the Guests for your event. Manually added Guests will not have information about a ticket order as it was not made through the BiddingForGood platform.
Once you export the report to Excel (it will be in CSV format), you can make any changes you wish as it is your document. Note that any changes you make in the Excel file cannot be imported back into the platform.
The following fields will export, followed by if they are editable within the BiddingForGood platform:
Purchaser First Name (NOT the guest's name, but the name of the person who purchased the ticket for them) (Not Editable)
Purchaser Last Name (Not editable)
Order ID (Not editable)
Order Date (Not editable)
Ticket Name (Not editable)
Guest First Name (Editable - click Edit next to guest name)
Guest Last Name (Editable - click Edit next to guest name)
Guest Email (Editable - click Edit next to guest name)
Table Group (Editable – click on Table Group name next to Guest Name)
Meal Choice (Editable - click Edit next to Attendee name)
Attending (Editable - click Edit next to Guest name)
Registered (Editable - Guest Email must match a Registered Bidder in the auction platform)
Type (Editable - click Edit next to Guest name. Options are Table Sponsor/Host, Table Captain, or VIP)
Ticket Order Comments (Not Editable)
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