Let's Learn
What is the Donate Now Feature?
Online cash donations can complement your auction efforts by raising additional funds apart from your online catalog of items. This feature is enabled by default and we recommend that you put the Donate Now button to work for you by keeping this feature enabled throughout the duration of your auction. As your auction winds down, consider reaching out to your community and promoting this feature as a great way for your supporters who did not win an item to contribute to your fundraiser.
How Does it Work?
To manage this feature go to:
- Event> Web Site> Donate Now
- Choose to Accept Donations via BiddingForGood or Accept Donations via your Web Site
- Accept Donations via BiddingForGood: The donor will be able to submit their donation on your auction site and then you (the administrator) will be able to process them in the Close Out tab. When someone makes their donation, you'll receive an email notification (if opted into auction admin emails) that a donation has been made. For more information on processing cash donations, please see the following article: How do I process cash donations?
- Accept Donations via your Web Site: By entering your organization's Donate Now button URL the donor will be redirected from the auction homepage to that URL to make their online cash donation. Please note that these funds will be processed outside of the Auction Manager and if you have enabled the Auction Statistics feature, any funds collected via this avenue will not count towards your Total Amount Raised.
- Customize the Donation Page text
- Customize the suggested donation amounts
- Select Save Donate Cash Settings to save your changes
Helpful Information! Many of our auction administrators set up the customized donation amounts to be used on a mobile device at a Live Event for their paddle-up or fund-a-need activities.
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